Spring Volunteer Hours
Updated 4/6/18 Felicia’s Farm is open to volunteers Monday-Friday only. Current hours are 7-12 only. You are welcome to “drop in”; please park anywhere after the horses. Children are welcome to volunteer. There is no admittance other hours or weekend. Ask anyone where to sign in (red binder) and we will get you started on work we have for that day. If you are
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Thank You to Bonfire Donors!
We are so grateful for the wonderful donations to our Bonfire Benefit from these sponsors. Please support these generous businesses:
4th Avenue Yoga https://4thavenueyoga.com
Arizona Daily Star www.tucson.com
Brooklyn Pizza https://brooklynpizzacompany.com
Gadabout Salons www.gadabout.com
Melissa Hartigan Massage tucsonbodywork.com
Heroes and Villains www.heroesandvillains-tucson.com
Lagunitas Brewing https://lagunitas.com/
Pueblo Vida Brewing www.pueblovidabrewing.com
Marcey Rosin www.marceyrosinacupuncture.com
Sky Bar skybartucson.com
Whole Foods www.wholefoods.com